Omnipresents Christopher L G Hill with; Dan Arps, Bianca Hester, Nick Mangan, MofFarFarRah, James Deutsher, Nick Selenitsch, Matthew Griffin, Hamish Hill, Clubs Project,Kate Newby, Olivia Barrett, inverted topology, Spiros Panigirakis,Nathan Gray, Rory Hyde, NWW, Inverted Crux, Saskia Schut, JoshPetherick, Exomitor, Katherine Huang, Julie Burleigh,KkrisKrostofffiston, Matt Hinkley, Annie Wu, Justin K Fuller, Squads, Sean Bailey, cove of the ken can kant, Agents of Abhorrance, DumbCrystals, Kain Picken & Rob McKenzie, Paeces, Weekend at Burzum’s,Halfmanhalfman, plus more...
Studio 12 Nick Selenitsch
Front Gallery Jooyoung Lee
2007 UNESCO/Aschberg Artist in Residence
Slide Kristina Tsoulis-Rae
Opening Friday 2 March 2007 5:30 - 8:30pm Performances at openning and every Saturday afternoon (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st) Exhibition Dates 2 March - 31 March 2007 Hours Tue - Fri 11 - 5:30pm Sat 1 - 5:30pm
Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces 200 Gertrude Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia Phone: 61 3 9419 3406 Fax: 61 3 9419 2519 Email: