Sub Rosa A col­lec­tion of poems & draw­ings Edited by Anne Fellner

Sub Rosa is based on the con­cept of an auto­graph book or the more pop­u­lar Ger­man “Poe­sieal­bum”, a small book or loosely bound col­lec­tion of pages for col­lect­ing sen­ti­men­tal memen­tos such as poems, sketches, quotes or sim­ply auto­graphs from friends, fam­ily mem­bers and col­leagues. Sub Rosa is free to down­load from this web­site. A sim­ple pass­word is required to view the book. The pass­word is “Rose”.
Featuring works by

Alex Tur­geon, Alex Vivian, Alina Gre­go­rian, Alli­son Katz, Annie Pearl­man, Antoine Renard, Armen Eloyan,
Aude Pariset, Bunny Rogers, Burkhard Beschow, Célestin Krier, Chris­t­ian Oldham, Christo­pher LG Hill,
Clé­mence de La Tour du Pin, Clemens Rei­necke, Cosima zu Knyphausen, David Rap­pe­neau, Edward Mar­shall Shenk, 
Emma Tal­bot, Erik Stin­son, Felix Amer­bacher, Flo­rent Dubois, Hanna Hur, Harry Burke, Honza Zamo­jski, Inga Ker­ber,
Inger Wold Lund, J. Gor­don Faylor, Jaakko Pal­lasvuo, Jen­nifer Chan, John Henry Newton, Jor­dan Kasey, Joshua Abe­low,
Joyce Depue, Karolina A., Kather­ine Botten, Kather­ine Poe, Keith J. Varadi, Kristina Lee, Lau­ren Cook, Leslie Weibeler,
Lina Leang Chung, Luis Vas­sallo, Johannes Kauf­mann +Manuel Stehli, Marisa Takal, Mary Wich­mann, Max­i­m­il­ian Roganov,
Michael O’Mahony, Nicholas Ver­straeten, Nick Payne, Odayaka, Olivia Dun­bar, Pia Christ­mann, Sanya Kan­tarovsky,
Sigtryg­gur Berg Sigmarsson, Stephen Booth, Tom Fell­ner, Vin­cent de Hoÿm and Vit­to­rio Brodman.