______________________as well as untitled
Teghan Burt, Richard Hawkins, Christopher LG Hill & Joshua Petherick, Morag Keil, Tim Webby "The Orchid and the Wasp" (curated by Dan Arps) ROBERT HEALD GALLERY Wellington 31.1.19 — 23.2.19
Teghan Burt, Richard Hawkins, Christopher LG Hill & Joshua Petherick, Morag Keil, Tim Webby
The Orchid and the Wasp
Robert Heald Gallery is pleased to present
The Orchid and the Wasp
, an exhibition curated by Dan Arps.
The exhibition runs from 31 January until 24 February.
robert heald gallery
209 Leftbank
Cuba Mall
New Zealand
sprawling knits, one night show in a basement in Collingwood, Hana Earles, Masato Takasaka, 5th/6th final Melbourne Artist Facilitated Biennale, Caeylen Norris, Every idea you've ever had x fucking off + sucking dick = waking up and dying on a bench @ chris & gian's basement gallery, DJ single mattress cover, etc Friday 25th January 2019
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